Ryan Bianco
Total 14 Posts
Oh What a Lovely War
Today is Remembrance Day, a day on which we remember those who went before us. Those who fought, were wounded, and who died at the behest of our nation. What then remains to be said? Again and again, our tiny frontier nation marched to war at the behest of our
The Myth of Progress
What evidence is there that the cracks are beginning to form on this long ascent to a brighter tomorrow? To quoth the Seekers, “The Carnival is over”. The fundamental reality is that infinite growth is impossible upon a finite planet.
89% of Canadians oppose mobs destroying the historic statues of our national figures, and 69% oppose any government actions to destroy these monuments
Judicial Tyranny
While the parliament may have been the highest power in the government historically, the implementation of the Canadian Charter in 1982 has brought this state of affairs into question, with the contemporary Canadian parliament being subservient to the Canadian Supreme Court.
Who Are We?
Modern Canadian identity is found in performative consumption. To be a Modern Canadian is merely to consume Tim Hortons, to wear the branding of your local ‘Canadian’ sports team.
The Problem With The Canadian Conservatives
A brief investigation into the modern failures of Canada's conservative movement. And their bleak future should they maintain their course.
Who Were We?
The Canadian conservative, at least in its heritage, is not the modern Tory, who is fiscally ‘conservative’ and socially ‘liberal’, but rather a Red Tory of Macdonald and Grant, for whom social conservatism was a given, necessary for the stability, order, and happiness of a society.