
Total 29 Posts
Canadian Politics news

Judicial Tyranny

While the parliament may have been the highest power in the government historically, the implementation of the Canadian Charter in 1982 has brought this state of affairs into question, with the contemporary Canadian parliament being subservient to the Canadian Supreme Court.

The Pornography Pandemic: Part 1


Conservatism: The Liberalism of Ten Years Past

In the conservative narrative of progress, liberals are the vanguard of inevitable historical change. In the liberal narrative, conservatives are speed bumps to be overcome.

Red-Taping Abortion

Can a society unable to protect it's most vulnerable members be called just? Are our leaders failing us in this regard?

Who Are We?

Modern Canadian identity is found in performative consumption. To be a Modern Canadian is merely to consume Tim Hortons, to wear the branding of your local ‘Canadian’ sports team.

The Problem With The Canadian Conservatives

A brief investigation into the modern failures of Canada's conservative movement. And their bleak future should they maintain their course.

Where Our Medicine Is Made

Most Canadians know that the pandemic has furloughed non-essential workers across the nation. Many are turning to the government’s CERB program for financial stability. However, a large number of Canadians that take prescription drugs were not prepared for a shortage in their medication...
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