Episode 17: TCJ Goes to the Cottage

The TCJ Staff head to the cottage to drink terrible beer and make fun of politicians.

Episode 16: The End of the Nation State

Ryan and Donoso discuss the divorce of the 'nation' and the 'state' and reflect on the consequences of said divorce. In light of the corporate state distancing itself from the nation is the veneration of the state's iconography still valuable politically?

Traditional Living in the Modern World

Many on the right pine for what they regard to be traditional living. But what does this term mean in reality?

The Meaning of Nation

Civic nationalism and patriotism are often described as being distinct from ancestral nationalism, but all of these concepts come from the same roots.

Violence and Political Action

How can revolution be achieved if your political representatives keep getting co-opted by the establishment? Georges Sorel believed the answer was violence.

An Era of Change

John Diefenbaker's time in office presided over a transitory period in Canadian identity, as the country struggled between two great powers.

The Present Grows From the Past

Liberals think that history is a straight line of continuous progress. Conservatives know that the past is not to be discarded, as it forms the basis for our existence.
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